Lent Photo Project, Day 4: Serve

Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him. (Proverbs 14:31)

This is such a difficult verse. How many ways do I help to oppress the poor without even knowing it? How many things have I purchased that were made with slave labor? How often have I turned a blind eye when I shouldn’t have? One constant prayer that I have now is “Lord, open my eyes.” It’s easy to live in Evans, GA, and never once see poverty ... yet poverty is right at our doorstep.

So I look for opportunities where I, in whatever small way, can serve those who are less fortunate. One was at this project at Wesley last fall, where we helped pack meals for the hungry.

I could write so much more on this, but I only have a few minutes to write this morning. Stay tuned for my Day 5 pic (with more rambling thoughts) a little later today.
