
Does anyone remember that commercial from the 70’s? “The Incredible, edible, egg.” It was pro-egg, and there was cheesy music and a man told us about how good eggs were for snacks, meals, any time, and only 80 calories. 
Later, of course, there would be all this debate and discussion over cholesterol and how many eggs we should actually have per day. 

We love eggs in our house, particularly fried eggs. My son eats easily 3-4 eggs per day. He fries them himself, with olive oil. I don’t eat that many, but I do eat them—with avocado toast, bibimbap, ramen, poke bowls, basically any type of Asian “bowl” meal. 

The original prompt for today was “Easter eggs” because we found these prompts on a calendar for 2017, and apparently in 2017, April 21 came before Easter. 

I didn’t grow up in a Christian home, so we didn’t really celebrate Easter. I did egg hunts at school and a handful of times in Sunday school, when my family was “on again” for going to church. But I didn’t really know what Easter was or why Christians celebrated it. And I had no idea why we hunted for eggs for Easter. Of course I have since learned why Christians celebrate Easter but I still didn’t know about the what the deal was with the eggs.

So I looked up it up and according to Dr. Wikipedia, early Christians in Mesopotamia stained eggs red, to represent the crucifixion of Christ. The Christian Church then adopted this practice, looking at these eggs as a representation of Christ’s resurrection.
Pretty cool, huh? Makes me love eggs even more.

“With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.” Acts 4:33-35
