“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Luke 18: 16-17
Well, here they are. My beautiful kids. I never realized how much I could love until I had my first child, then my second, third and fourth. With each new pregnancy, I worried whether I had it in me to love another child, and yet, with each birth, my heart stretched just a little more.
They are no more perfect than I am, and being a parent has stretched other parts of me as well as my heart. But I know that I am a better person for being a parent, and that all this stretching is doing something great.
Having children has made me realize how much God loves us, and how much God is hurt by us. So much rejection we end up dealing with as parents, and each time, I think about how often I reject God. I think about the times I'm focused on myself, without a thought for Him, like children are focused on themselves, not thinking at all about the people who provided their food, shelter, clothing.
Each time I look at any of my kids, I see a reflection of me. I am God's child, and He loves me, unconditionally, so much more than I love my own children. He feeds me, shelters me, clothes me, with His gentle and loving hands.
May we all feel His arms around us and bask in His everlasting love.
(My children are considerably older than in this picture. This picture was taken a long, long time ago. I want to say in 2008.)
Well, here they are. My beautiful kids. I never realized how much I could love until I had my first child, then my second, third and fourth. With each new pregnancy, I worried whether I had it in me to love another child, and yet, with each birth, my heart stretched just a little more.
They are no more perfect than I am, and being a parent has stretched other parts of me as well as my heart. But I know that I am a better person for being a parent, and that all this stretching is doing something great.
Having children has made me realize how much God loves us, and how much God is hurt by us. So much rejection we end up dealing with as parents, and each time, I think about how often I reject God. I think about the times I'm focused on myself, without a thought for Him, like children are focused on themselves, not thinking at all about the people who provided their food, shelter, clothing.
Each time I look at any of my kids, I see a reflection of me. I am God's child, and He loves me, unconditionally, so much more than I love my own children. He feeds me, shelters me, clothes me, with His gentle and loving hands.
May we all feel His arms around us and bask in His everlasting love.
(My children are considerably older than in this picture. This picture was taken a long, long time ago. I want to say in 2008.)
I love this post! Great picture, too!