Lent photo project 2020, day 42: great

"They were all filled with awe and praised God. 'A great prophet has appeared among us,' they said. 'God has come to help his people.'” Luke 7:16

In the summer of 1982, my family moved to Baltimore and I discovered Cal Ripken and the Orioles. I became a huge fan and followed him and the O's all the way until his retirement in 2001.

Cal, the Ironman, his streak that will stand for a long time, maybe forever. He is a great batter, a great fielder, a great teammate, a great Hall of Fame. I still follow the O's but they are not so great anymore. One of these days, though, maybe they will be great again.

This is a collage that my brother Ben Huynh made for me. Found it today while cleaning out my desk. Yes, another quarantine Lent photo.
