
Spaghetti with meat sauce is the meal I make when I want a rest. I use my Instant Pot--a jar of spaghetti sauce, a pound of ground turkey (straight from the freezer, unthawed!) and give it a whirl on Manual at 8 minutes. During the time that it cooks, I boil the water and cook the pasta. I used to have a microwave pasta steamer but it gave inconsistent results and ultimately, I felt like I should do a little bit of work for this meal. 

There are days when I don't feel like doing the "work" that it takes to follow Christ. So much easier to just not do my daily Bible reading, or pray, or reach out to people in need. Frequently, I wish there were some sort of Instant Pot for Christianity.

But I know that following Christ often feels like "work" because I have not practiced it enough. The more I do things like pray, meditate, read the Bible, the more it seems natural, the less work it is. 

I guess there is just no Instant Pot version of following Christ, but fortunately, we get to reap in better rewards than jarred spaghetti, delicious though that may be. 

"Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense." Prov 12:11


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