This is a writing set, to write letters sent via “snail mail.” I laugh as I type that because I’m old enough to have experienced “snail mail” when it was just “mail.” The only mail available.
My husband and I married after dating for about 5 years. For 4 of those years, we lived in different cities. To maintain a relationship without cell phones, email, and Face Time was incredibly difficult. “Long distance” calls were very expensive—as much as a dollar a minute—and the only real option for people who were in a relationship, the only way to really stay close to someone, was to write very long letters, and to write them very often.
Most people use texting nowadays, and of course, in the time of Covid, video communication has become a big deal. Email seems old-fashioned and “slow” and I know a lot of people who don’t regularly check their inboxes. Snail mail is essentially just a way for businesses to send us their adverts.
But I still enjoy getting a handwritten letter or card and I try to send them when I can. That is why I bought that writing set. I still think handwritten letters, slow as they are, convey more of a personal touch.
We followers of Christ have letters from God in the form of the Bible. The Bible is God’s love letter to us, one of the primary ways for us to understand who He is and what is in His heart. We can’t be in relationship with Him or stay close to Him if we don’t read His letters. As our creator, He has given us everything we need to know to live and to live abundantly in His wonderful collection of letters. I don’t think I could possibly read the Bible enough, and I love how I can still learn something new from passages that I have read numerous times.
I remember those days when my husband and I were writing our letters, how excited I would be to see the envelope in my mailbox. I would love to get to a point where I’m just as excited to read God’s letter to me every day. It’s there—in that Bible—and I don’t even have to go to the mail box to get it.
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