First Person I Saw

 My eyes are awake before the watches of the night,
    that I may meditate on your promise. (Psalm 119:148)

My eyes do awake early--usually around 4:45. "Sleeping in" for me is to wait until 5:30 to get up. When I do awake, I go downstairs for my prayer-and-meditation time and listen to whatever passage from scripture I will be studying that morning. Then it's to the kitchen for my first cup of coffee and whatever healthy shake I'm having for breakfast. And then I go upstairs to read the Word, to "meditate on the promise."

BUT ... before I do any of that, before I actually rise out of the bed ... I say good morning to Buddy the Cat. I'm his bed, and this is my view of him each morning once I turn on my lamp.

He's not the first person I see each day, but he's the first sentient being. Once I've petted and snuggled with him for a few minutes, I can finally get up and get started with my day.
