
The word for today is "yummy." Believe it or not, there is not a single instant of "yummy" in the Bible. I checked ESV, NASB, NIV, and KJV. Genesis has "tasty" and Proverbs "delicious," but none of them have "yummy." I even checked The Message. Nope.

I ran a search for "yummy" in my phone's photo album as well, but I came up short there too. So I scrolled to find my most recent photo of something yummy. And here it is.

This is a devil's food white-out cake from Dorie Greenspan's cookbook, Baking: from My Home to Yours. (It's also the cake on the cover of the book!) The recipe is also all over the Internet; here, for instance. I made it for a friend's belated birthday, and it truly was yummy.
