The word for today is "orange," and I know I should have snapped a picture of a pumpkin ... but I didn't. So, friends, today I have a picture of an orange. Two, actually. And some apples. And a banana.
After a couple of years of not-so-healthy eating, I've started to follow a healthy diet. Not only have I lost 12 pounds, but I'm remembering how much I love to eat fruit. So where I used to snack on chips or Cheez-Its or cookies after work, I'm now grabbing apples, oranges, bananas, and berries. Not all at once, though!
It's been a good year for me spiritually--I've had lots of time in prayer, and I've immersed myself in studying the Bible. It's been a good year emotionally, too; despite the pandemic, despite reading the news every single day, despite all of that, I've mostly felt pretty happy and at peace. I definitely think all of that is related to where I've been spiritually.
And now, I've begun to take better care of myself physically. I still need to get back into an exercise routine, but I'll get there.
I have no deeper thoughts to share with you today, dear readers. I'm tired after a late night of watching the debate, and I need to get to the office. Have a good weekend, all!
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