
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15-16)

This is our sad Christmas wreath. It was beautiful when I bought it several years ago. It had five or six pine cones, and it was much fuller than it is now. I keep meaning to buy a new one, but I never think about it until it's too late, and even if I do, they're like $75! I could make one of my own, but it would be just as expensive after buying the supplies, and I'm not much of a DIYer anyway. So this year, once again, we have our sad little Christmas wreath.

My life lately has felt like that Christmas wreath! I haven't had time for myself, and if I do, the cost seems too much--neglecting my child, neglecting my home, neglecting my work, neglecting my health. So life is just carrying me along, and I'm wondering if and when things will slow down. I have a weird sense that I'm squandering precious time, but I feel stuck in a cycle of busy-ness and exhaustion.

The one constant has been my morning Bible study, but even that feels rushed and shallow lately. I know I've written about that in this space before, so I won't go into it again.

I will say that, as a big believer in New Year's resolutions, I have a few ideas for resolutions. Taking some time off after Christmas should help me to spend a few long hours thinking, writing, praying, listening, and re-setting my priorities.

Maybe I'll even hit a gift store and get a nice Christmas wreath at 75% off. For next year!
