
Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart ... (Ecclesiastes 9:7)

Pre-COVID, we sometimes invited neighbors over for breakfast. For one of these breakfasts, I made a French toast casserole out of my VeryVera cookbook. I'm not a big food photographer, but I was participating in a VeryVera Instagram page at the time, where people posted recipes they'd made from that cookbook. I'm glad I took the picture, as it's the only "breakfast" photo I have in the 1,000+ pictures on my phone.

French toast casserole. I don't know if it looks good, but it sure tasted good.

Sharing this picture has made me think of another New Year's goal/resolution that Dan and I talked about last weekend: We want to get back into the habit of inviting people over for meals. We stopped doing that when COVID hit, and I supposed we shouldn't start it up again now that COVID is spiking . . . but it's something we want to do.
